
Showing posts from October, 2021

Creative Much?

So one of the the cool things in the virtual worlds (my opinion) is scripts/scripting.  What are scripts?  " Scripts can control the behavior of in-world objects ".  If you are are not a "scripter" you can find many free scripts and drop them in the content of an object... Scripts look like this in your inventory and some are in a folder with the name under which it was  purchased ( hope that makes sense ).  It looks like this... You can drag a script from your inventory into an object as shown in following video...  You can also create a new script in the content area (there's a button) and delete what is there and paste a script.   I am pasting a script below the following line... ___________________________________ // :CATEGORY:Online Indicator // :NAME:OnlineIndicator // :AUTHOR:Encog Dod // :CREATED: 2010-01-10 05:20:56 .000 // :EDITED: 2013-09-18 15:38:59 ...


So I am not a dancer and there are so many things I don't know how to  do. Also so many things I can't afford to do.  Right now our activities are limited due to diseases (COVID)  around the world. In the Virtual Worlds activities can be unlimited.  You can do things you can't in the real world.  Like Dancing... We can also pick up our dream car...                    Lamborghini   We can Dance in Outer Space... I have gone bowling... Even participated in bull riding Seriously, how many of you reading this have even been near a bull in real life.....not me.                                             (searching for ✋)  There are many people with disabilities that enjoy the Virtual world where no o...