AS MENTIONED EARLIER, I began to look for Christian groups and/or activities. I found a Christian group that had games and Dances, a second one was a community that also had some Dances and finally I found a park. The group "Eternal Life" was a sim¹ owned by a male named "Sonic". There were often games or Dances, while streaming Contemporary Christian music. I also met a female - "1Way" who owned a park. I was sitting at a small cafe counter in her park. This was actually the first Christian place I found. I met 1Way when someone dressed in a white robe with an upside down cross on his back walked by. Not realizing that someone was near chat distance I commented in chat "That is one sick puppy" and to my surprise she responded in agreement lol. That was my first Oops moment. We became friends on that day. Then the third location I found was the "WOW" sim, owned by Maggie. "WOW" stands for WithOutWalls. This was more of a community. There were houses, and a club and at that time I met a Police officer named Gracious. She scared me at first asking me questions. I sort of got a warning, not realizing at the time that she couldn't really see me. After talking to Maggie it turns out that Gracious had problems with her computer and her view was very poor. Later on I saw her walking into walls etc. I found that hilarious. I also didn't realize even if I were imprisoned I can teleport out lol.
Funny memories as a newbie.
Maggie became a friend to this day. I had a great deal to learn. I didn't know that with the camera you can move through walls. There were many times I would try to wear something and find myself with a box on my head. (I am sure many newbies have experienced this).
¹LAND owned by a group of individial.
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